Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Washington D.C. and Ice Cream

The International Dairy Foods Association sponsored a trip for those from our department who wished to go a trip to D.C. to serve ice cream at the Capitol Hill Ice Cream Party. I guess this event was the last big hoorah for June being National Dairy Month? I'm not sure about all the details, I all know is I worked for about 2 hours serving ice cream and got a free trip, fancy meals and nice hotel included. The next day we had time to ourselves to explore the city, and explore we did. We were out of the hotel by 8 am to check out the sights, and museums opened at 10. We visited the National Museum of the American Indian, along with the standard Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, WWII Memorial, Reflection Pond, etc. Ok...picture time!

Here is the line for the Ice Cream Party. It was never ending.

My homie Liyun serves ice cream.

Washington Monument

In front of the Lincoln Memorial with the reflection pond to my back.

WWII Memorial

Me and Abe.

Crazy squirrel that attacked Mona.

Inside the American Indian museum.


dude said...

Super trip! You can't beat the hours worked for the pay you received, sounds like you really made out on this deal. I really enjoyed the DC trip with Klayton's class, I think the Viet Nam Wall Memorial was one of the most touching moments for me.
Love ya bye

OP said...