Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A hoosier return

I made a trip home this weekend. No reason really, just wanted to see the family. Highlights of the trip include meeting Vernie Verndog-Millionaire Madeoff Huff, visiting Klayton and Molly's apartment and school studios and such, hanging out with Dad at his work, filling in the right-center field position for Kalow's beer league softball game, hanging out with Mom and getting my hair done, visiting Renae, hanging out with Mozie and Lumpy Lucy, the list could just keep going on and on so I will stop it. I'm glad I got to visit and sorry I couldn't stay longer. Ian and Neit managed to survive without me, mostly on frozen pizzas I believe. I returned to Hokieville and am back in the swing of things again. Now we get to look forward to all of YOU coming to visit us the summer.

High above the clouds. I thought it was a neat picture

Visiting Klayton at his workshop. Klayton and a kiln for ceremics and such

I snuck a picture of Dad when he was working hard at work

Playtime for Mozie and Vernie

It was a good day for an oil change

Trying to get both Susie and Vernie to look at the camera was no easy task...here no one is looking

Susie is looking but not Vernie

Vernie is looking but not Susie

This could have gone on all day, you guys. I finally just gave up.

Kalow and Vernie leaving. Adious! See you next time!


Karleigh said...

what? No comments?

dude said...

sorry, i was busy.
thta's the first time i've seen klayton's kiln. looks like it ought to be on a rooftop suurounded by homing pigeons.
glad there was no audio to go with my pic...i think i was PO-ed.
mozie & vernie seemed happy.
klayton will be tested on his next oil change, as i will only witness!
susie and vernie are both well trained at avoiding the picture...that's a couple of "trained puppies".
K-dog & Vern-dog likes to ride in the car and pee outside; what a pair!
the dragons tooth looks like a hike i'd like to attempt.
see ya in a couple of weeks.