Thursday, August 6, 2009

Riverstock ´09

Oh man. It took me until today to fully recover from Riverstock 2009. You needed to be there to fully appreciate the images to come. Let me just say great music, great food, great folks, custom made t-shirts, fun games, 2 kegs, lots of fun. Without futher ado...

Welcome to the River

Here he is...the pork chef (he also kicked off the celebration with the first official drink of the day)

I think this group wins the Furthest Distance Traveled award (minus Kalow)

C.P. Bacon enjoying the band

How about that shrimp/crawfish boil?

Life of the party

Waiting for the big volleyball match

Someone convinced Carl Erskine to show up and even play some harmonica

Some of the kids who stuck around for the after party

A lot of people are hinting that they would like to see this event become an annual one. So stick around and we will see!

Thanks to Mom and Dad for putting on such an extravagant party. You rock.

1 comment:

dude said...

big fun when the hokies come to hoosierville too!
everyone enjoyed the riverstock event, and the va coalition was a great group to host, as well as good helpers to tie up some last minute party details.
look forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks and riding in the blue ridge.
love you, bye