Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bacon's Hydroponics

Remember that indoor growth system I got for Ian for Christmas? works awesome. We are growing basil, savory herb, and some stock flowers for starters. Tonight we harvested a little basil and made some pasta sauce with it. Delicious. I'm taking a crop physiology class this semester, and I always come home and try to identify different parts of the plants growing and what kinds of roots they have and blah blah...pretty lame I know. You can even grow tomatoes and jalapenos in this thing if you buy the right kit, I'm recommending it. Very cool at home activity. I'll leave you with a picture, of course.
Basil on the left, flowers in the back, savory on the right.


dude said...

what the heck, nothing for the hemp fans?

Karleigh said...

I mean, we are just getting started. Let us have a trial run first, geez.