Friday, November 13, 2009

Recreation at Rocky Knob

Hey family and friends. Last May I bought Ian an awesome book detailing hiking trails off of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Well it has been sitting around, collecting dust, until this weekend. I found a 3.1 miles loop that turned out to be pretty awesome. It was about an hour drive from our place, and about a 2.5 hour hike. I think if anyone visits in nice weather, we will probably take you here. Have a look.

Rocky Knob is right off of the Blue Ridge Parkway

Along the trail were the remnants of an old house or something.

We had to blaze up this extremely steep old logging road. So it doesn't look so steep here...but it was.

After a little confusion with where exactly the trail split, we eventually got to this ladder over a fence into a cow pasture. The trail continued on the other side of the pasture.

Neit had no problems with the ladder...

And then frolicked in the field until we got him back on the leash.

We had to watch our step...cow plop.

And once again got confused as to which blazed trail to follow back. Here is Ian consulting our book.

Some nice views before we got back to the beginning of the trail.

Here is Ian.

Pretty cool find huh? Maybe we can take you here next time.


dude said...

looks like a good place to go.
can't wait to get out there again.
need to plan another ski trip too.
by the way, i never realized how much ian and tom brady look alike.
sorry ian.
see you next week.
love and miss you.

Karleigh said...

Tom Brady? ouch.