Sunday, February 7, 2010

Project Linus

I am getting a little stir crazy with all the snow. In order to stay sane, I make things. Its nice to make things for a purpose, and I've found a charity called Project Linus. Here is their mission statement:
  • First, it is our mission to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.”
  • Second, it is our mission to provide a rewarding and fun service opportunity for interested individuals and groups in local communities, for the benefit of children.
So...I tried to make a blanket. Its really my first big project with a sewing machine. It turned out okay, I need some work with my craftsmanship. It will probably come with time.

I've made some things other than my Project Linus blanket as well.

Here are some birdies I made to drop off in the cache boxes next time we geocache.

I just finished up this cross stitch. Ohhh...awe....

I made a recipe box for Ian...
The front

The back

The inside

So, we are bored. We hope it quits snowing. The snow will melt eventually. And we can get out and play.


Karleigh said...

It makes me sad when there are no comments :(

dude said...

dont'fret i'll a message. i've been busy at work and ignoring the Grid.
love your Linus project, it should be worthy of Nobel accolades!
it should be a treat for some unsuspecting hiker to run across your geo-grouse. look forward to that adventure the next time we have the opportunity.
don't get snowbound, get out and frolic.
love always

hannah said...

I have concluded that this blog is awesome. I RSS'd it, so i read it as soon as a new one is out. I am a little surprised that Ian didn't spring for your own domain name though…it kinda seems like something he would do.

peace, love, and cool knitted stuff,


Karleigh said...

Yeah, well he offered me I turned it down. There is talk of setting up my own though, we'll keep you updated if anything changes.