Friday, March 19, 2010

Double Whammy

Dear Hokieville fans. I am sorry to inform you of two unfortunate situations. Situation number 1: The internet in our apartment is currently down. This means that I can only post to Hokieville at work, which is not good practice. Situation number 2: I cannot find the cord to attach my camera to my computer, meaning I cannot get pictures from point a (camera) to point b (hokieville). I am working hard on fixing these problems, so stay tuned. We went to the Cascades last weekend, and the waterfall was flooded, making for some picturesque views. This week Ian's brother Jarad has been here for his spring break. Hopefully I will be able to share some visuals sooner than later. Thank you for your patience.

1 comment:

Susie/Mom said...

I will have to put a rush on your new phone so I can help with part of your problem. I don't know what to tell you about the cord ? I thought you found it !