Sunday, March 21, 2010

Flooded Falls

The good news is that we have ONE computer in the house with working internet. Also, I found a cord that will work for taking pictures off of my camera. So hooray, now you can see pictures. Behold, our hike to the Cascases last weekend, during some major flooding.

Ian by the stream. It was definitely rushing. (Compare with the homepage picture at the top of this page. Same stream. Different amounts of water)

Another stream picture.

Walking on a log. We were the only ones at the falls, for once. It was nice to have some solitude.

Apparently really excited to get my picture taken in front of the waterfall.

We packed a couple of Subway footlongs up there with us, and had a peaceful lunch by the falls. The quantity of water going over the falls was so massive that we got sprayed with mist from pretty much any point the falls were visible. It was a nice afternoon. Every time we hike this place, there is always something different.


Susie/Mom said...

very nice !!

dude said...

That's an awesome place to start with, I'd like to see it when flooded too!
Glad the pc and cord delima is solved.
see you soon?
love ya