Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Campers

Due to the unseasonably good weather we have been having lately, Ian was dead set on camping last weekend. I finally gave in, and we drove out to Pembroke, VA for some overnight camping in Jefferson National Forest. We decided to camp at a site we have hiked through before, and so we filled our packs with the essentials (food, tent, sleeping bags) and headed out. We hiked about 5 miles in, stayed overnight, and added another 6 or 7 miles out to finish the loop back to our car. Here's a map we found in a book ...
We were only about a half mile away from West Virginia at some points.

When we started our hike, we were greeted with this...Campers, Ye be warned!

Here are the happy campers, each carrying their own pack (even Neit)

We got our tent up and fire started before the sun went down.

The creek that ran right next to our tent. We heard a lot of critters scurrying by outside throughout the night.

Don't worry. Neit was quite the guard dog. Here he is, guard doggin' it.

Passing the time with some bird watching. There weren't really a whole lot of birds out. I guess the summer migrators haven't made their way here yet.

Ian said he "likes to get away from everything sometimes". This was a good place to do so.


Susie/Mom said...

Finally ! I was beginning to think you were done posting! Not really. Who took the picture of all of you ? Are those my pants ? Your hair is getting long. Glad you made it out safely !!! Love you !

dude said...

Super! Another chapter for the Hokieville journal. Very nice picture of the 3 of you all geared up. Looked like an awesome place to camp and get away from it all.
See you soon.
love you bye!